It is an internal committee required by the Securities Market Law whose members are appointed by the Board of Managers and such designations shall select persons skilled in the art as well as extensive experience in the industry.


The Risk Committee will be subject to the rules of integration and operation issued by the Board of managers, This committee will have the following powers:


I. Identify and implement the Financial Safeguards System, meaning the package of measures aimed at ensuring compliance with the failed obligations from transactions in which CCV acts as a reciprocal debtor or creditor.


II. To determine the manner and methodology for shaping individual funds Financial Safeguards System, establishing the type and proportion of the resources that integrate, and the criteria for management of these resources;


III. Establish higher levels of capital for their mutual debtors and creditors which submit a higher risk for the Company;


IV. Propose to the Board of Managers the issue of rules which establish the parameters of risk management;


V. Propose to the Board of Managers the issue of rules that establish the criteria for which the Company set its responsibility limits.


VI. Propose to the Board of Managers the issue of operational and prudential rules in the risk subject.


VII. Submit to the Audit Committee practicing special audits to reciprocal creditors and debtors of the Society, and;


        VIII. Those powers expressly reserved to that body in the internal regulation of the Company.




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