The CCV will have a Financial Safeguards System, which will consist of a package of measures designed to ensure compliance with the obligations arising from operations arranged by the agents and acting as a reciprocal creditor and debtor.


Through Risk Management, the CCV may apply the Financial Safeguards System measures, and manage Guarantee Funds constituted by the Liquidators agents and / or agents not Liquidators, in accordance with the criteria contained in the Regulations and Manual and those established by the Risk Committee in this regard.


The CCV may disclose information relating to the Financial Safeguards System and resources it receives to ensure compliance with the obligations of its reciprocal debtors and creditors in terms of Article 89 Bis 9 of the Mexican Market Law..



Guarantee Funds conformation


As part of the Financial Safeguard System, CCV must carry out the following activities:


I. Calculate the closing and intraday day operational within the parameters and timetables set out in the manual, according to the methodology determined the effect the Risk Committee, guarantees that the Liquidators Agents and / or Not Liquidators Agents should keep in guarantee funds, based on the market risk generated for CCV.


II. Require under the previous calculation, to the and not Liquidator Agents, in the hours and manner set forth in the Manual, the delivery of securities and


III. Manage according to the criteria and policies set by the Risk Committee, guarantees that have been handed over by Liquidators and / or agents not Liquidators Agents



CCV shall constitute tht contribution Fund, the Compensation Fund and the Reserve Fund, as follows:


I. The Contribution Fund consistent with resources of the Liquidator and no Liquidator Agents, whose minimum amount will be determined by the Risk Committee, and the ordinary and extraordinary contributions, based on their pending and failed obligations incorporated into the CCV systems, so it can be registered


II. The Compensation Fund will comply with resources of the Liquidator and no Liquidator Agents, the amount of which shall be determined by the CCV, based on the monthly average balance of the required contributions to the Contribution Fund.


III. The Reserve Fund will be integrated by the fact that the amounts determined by the Board of Management and the cash that the CCV receives as a result of differential cumulative Penalties, as well as the sanctions applied to Liquidators an not Liquidators Agents.




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